

      Ransomware Ransomware is a malware which attack in your Computer and encrypt your data which are available in your Computer. Ransomware is made from two words i.e "Ransom" and "ware". Ransom means kidnapping your data and place of this they demand for money to release that data. Here kidnapping means encryption of your data.  After attacking of ransomware in your Computer you only two options either you give the money as they demand or compromise with your data there is no any third option. There is no cure after its attack. So here we can only prevent from this malware. For the prevention we must update our computer software. Generally Ransomware attack in only old version software of Microsoft. They can't make their victims of apple iMac and latest windows software.  Recently wannacry ransomware attack more than 150 countries in the world. If you are thinking that why police don't caught the people who spread ransomware dur...